The list of questions for preparation of students for the total modular control:

The module 1:

1. Pathomorphology – is a fundamental discipline, which assists to professional growth of doctors.

2. Role and place of the doctor-pathologist in Public Health structure.

3. Official demands to the doctor-pathologist and the depatment personnel.

4. The equipment and rigging of pathoanatomical department (prosectorium) of the hospital.

5. Order of an autopsy in treatment-and-prophylactic establishments.

6. Technics of pathoanatomical autopsy.

7. External examination of a corpse.

8. Biopsy of emptiness of a body and allocation of internal organs.

9. Brain research.

10. Biopsy of organs of a neck and a thorax.

11. Research of organs of breath.

12. Biopsy of heart and vessels.

13. Research of organs of digestion.

14. Biopsy of genitourinary organs.

15. Lien research.

16. Research of bone marrow.

17. Research of lymph nodes and lymphatic thoracal duct.

18. Research of bones and joints.

19. Features of an autopsy. of a corpse of the baby, dead-birth.

20. Definition of criteria of life-birth, dead-birth, the perinatal period.

21. Conservation of organs after opening, embalming and cleaning of a corpse.

22. Concept about basic disease, its complications, which accompany a basic disease.

23. Basic disease definition.

24. Definition of complication of a basic disease.

25. Definition of concomitent diseases.

26. Definition of an immediate cause of death.

27. The documentation concerning pathoanatomical autopsy.

28. The protocol of pathoanatomical biopsy and its components.

29. Filling of a passport part of the protocol.

30. The pathoanatomical diagnosis. Structure of the pathoanatomical diagnosis and pathoanatomical epicrisis.

31. Tasks of pathoanatomical epicrisis.

32. Rules of registration of the protocol of a pathoanatomical autopsy.

33. Order of filling and delivery of the medical certificate on death.

34. Comparison of clinical and pathoanatomical diagnoses.

35. Research receptions of a biopsy and an operational material.

36. Research rules of a biopsy, an operational and cytologic material.

37. Amount of works, which are recommended for histological and histochemical research of a sectional and a biopsy material.

38. As the taking and delivery of objects for research in pathoanatomical department is carried out.

39. Taking and processing of the material received from different organs and pathological formations.

40. Deontologic and ethical aspects in pathoanatomical practice.

41. Role of modern morphological research receptions in diagnostics of diseases.

42. Pathomorphological bases of resuscitation and intensive care, their communication with a medicolegal estimation of organs and tissues changes.

43. Deontology in practical work of the doctor-pathologist.